суббота, 21 марта 2015 г.


Funny incident happened in my life. I work as a flight 

attendant. I heard a terrible scream on the flight Cape 

Town to Heathrow. These cries could be heard from the 

top shelf of luggage. I carried the food to passengers at 

this time. It soon became clear that it was the parrot and 

its owner were 14 sailors. The parrot was the mascot for 

sailors. We took the bird, but the sailors told us that if 

we  do not refund the parrot, they released the snake in 

the  salon. This caused chaos in the plane, which had 

400 passengers. After landing, the parrot was placed in 

quarantine for 35 days. Officers searched the snake in 

the plane, but never found. This incident cost the airline 

30,000 feet. 

понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Irises(1889) - Vincent Van Gogh

In this painting, dozens of irises rise up in waves of color, like green and blue flames fanned by a wind that blows them, now flattens them, toward the left. Carried along on thick brushstrokes, it seems as though a wave of motion flows from lower right to upper left, sweeping the shapes of leaves, stems, petals, and blossoms into a wide river of color. 
It is as if we are plunged into an eye-level crowd of purple, blue, and violet irises. Wherever we look, we are dazzled by a profusion of color. Painted with thick, bold strokes of paint, slender green leaves wind sinuously upward from coarse orange soil. Their colors shift from blue bordered by green to a soft aquamarine outlined in heavy blue-this mass of plant forms sway like underwater vegetation in bold oils heavily plastered on canvas. From the heart of each plant, spindly stalks reach even higher than the spears of their leaves before bursting into extravagant blue-purple petals, curling about the yellow and white of the inner flower. On the left, a solitary white iris, its blossom larger than the rest, commands the swirl of purple and green from its outpost. Behind it, where irises no longer rule the field, a throng of marigolds offers saucers of golden fire to the sun, while on the right, a patch of bright green meadow hosts occasional yellow and white wildflowers and forms a glistening backdrop for the myriad blue heads tossing in the foreground. The label reads: Van Gogh painted Irises in the garden of the asylum at Saint-Rémy, where he was recuperating from a severe attack of mental illness. Although he considered it more of a study than a finished picture, it was exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants in 1889. Irises exemplifies van Gogh's practice of working directly from life. Its energy and theme-the regenerative powers of the earth-express the artist's deeply personal belief in the divinity of art and nature.

понедельник, 26 января 2015 г.

one normal day in 2030

Alarm clock woke me up. I went to the bathroom. In the shower had a bunch of buttons of  that I could not make out in his sleep. Picking up a festive outfit, I went outside and sat in his aircar. After passing a couple of meters, my car took off into the sky. A few hours later I was on the other end of the country to visit her mother.
On the floor in the apartment went a little vacuum cleaner. From the kitchen I heard the stove said, "Your dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!". Before the holiday I had more time, and I decided to play. put on my glasses, I plunged into the virtual world. Sister ran up to me, interrupting the game and asked to ironed the tablecloth. Iron, scanning the fabric, set the temperature, and I quickly ironed everything. After the holiday, the weather worsened. I had to go on the road and wait for good weather to be able to once again spread its wings and fly home on his aircar.